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"Charles wrote for the right reasons. Lord knows — and presidents, from right to left, can attest — he didn’t seek invitations to White House dinners or other badges of approval from the powerful. He sought, rather, to provoke us to think, to enlarge our understanding, at times to make us laugh. Like few others, he succeeded, week after week, Friday after Friday, year after year." — Read the full article in the Washington Post
"Charles Krauthammer was no ordinary columnist. He wielded his pen in the service of finding truth, not furthering politics. His thoughtful critiques did more than earn him a Pulitzer Prize–they broadened understanding, promoted civility, and always upheld integrity…. Charles consistently raised the level of our political discourse [and] will long be remembered for challenging us to think more fully about the issues of the day and dig deeper to find the truth. For his many talents and his tremendous courage, we will miss him dearly." — Read the full statement
"Charles Krauthammer's trenchant analyses of critical international issues, including his eloquent defense of the State of Israel and the Jewish people, were hallmarks of his remarkable writings, speeches, and media appearances. He was a consistent and highly respected voice of conscience and integrity." — Read the full statement
"One of baseball’s greatest fans…. He was loved and admired by many and will be truly missed here at Nationals Park." — Read the full statement
A moment of silence was observed at Nationals Park the day Charles passed away
— see a photograph.
"I think of Charles as the exception to the practice of conservatives pulling their punches. It’s not that they change their beliefs. They soften them or don’t mention them. They fear Washington’s intolerance. Charles Krauthammer didn’t. He went where ideas and facts took him. He was brave." — Read the full article at The Weekly Standard
"There will never be another Dr. Krauthammer — never. His brilliance, humor and kindness brightened the lives of everyone who was blessed enough to cross his path.... He was a special light that will forever be missed: his mischievous smile, love of baseball and milkshakes, towering intellect and deep humility. I'll never have another friend like him."
— Read the full statement
"Charles was a voice of persuasion, of rational discourse, one that cleared the air of the acrid smoke slowly choking us all. While the rest of us debated to win, Charles wanted to convince…..A man of great wit, commanding enormous breadth and depth of knowledge, dedicated to presenting the truth as he sought to persuade others with reason…. He was a man of character, a man of honor, and always, above all, a true gentleman in the best sense of that word." — Read the full article in PJ Media
"America has no greater columnist. The Jewish state has no greater friend. The alliance between America and Israel has no greater champion." — Read the full statement

"Charles Krauthammer was no rabbi. It turns out however, that he was America’s rebbe — a master teacher, a truth teller — and an intellectual giant who was unafraid of the powerful and of the power-wannabees…. It seems like America has lost Charles just when we needed his integrity and truth-telling the most." — Read the full article in The Algemeiner
"Krauthammer was very much like a Founder. Whether they agreed with him or not, those who knew him commented on his grace, civility, and humor. He combined the character of George Washington, the prudential mind of James Madison, and the wit of Franklin. "
— Read the full article in The Daily Signal
"Charles Krauthammer was in a very real sense a dinosaur — a man who loved to debate (often ferociously) but never felt the need to raise his voice or use a foul word. His class and intellect would never indulge such a thought. He was also efficient while engaged: He sliced and diced opponents with facts eloquently and elegantly presented."
— Read the full article in the Baltimore Sun

"It turns out Charles wasn’t stating the obvious in 2013. As he did so often over his long career, he was seeing things before the rest of us. He was making an observation simple, profound, and prescient." — Read the full article in The Weekly Standard
"It was a far more personal offering than most of his written work and, despite a full catalogue of essays and columns that influenced the thinking of world leaders, it was one of the most memorable pieces in a long and distinguished career." — Read the full article in The Weekly Standard
"Beyond the brilliance of his analysis and the paralysis he so remarkably overcame, there is his extraordinary personal grace and kindness."— Read the full statement
"His writing on U.S. politics inspired and sustained a generation of conservative policymaking; even those who strongly disagreed with him could not deny his influence. His legacy–particularly with regard to the Iraq War, for which he cheered–is worthy of the sort of serious consideration at which he was so preternaturally good. But I will remember Charles Krauthammer first and foremost as a man of deep compassion." — Read the full article in Time
"For more than three decades, Krauthammer has been the best American pundit of his generation."— Read the full article in Standpoint

"A brilliant man, a wonderful man, a tremendous writer, a good friend. He loved baseball so much I will miss him so much." — Read the full statement
"I never stopped being intimidated by him. But he was deeply kind, even sweet in his way. I got to know him a little bit better over the years that followed, and the more I saw of him the more thoroughly impressive he was: a mensch in every sense." — Read the full article in National Review Online
"I was one of the many young people who’ve worked as a research assistant for Charles Krauthammer over the years. He’s even more awe-inspiring close up—a profoundly humane man, courageous and kind, witty and thoughtful, principled and wise. A truly great soul."
— Read the full statement
"His prose style was spare and unadorned but achieved great power through the underlying thought. His pieces were as tightly reasoned as syllogisms and, at their best, almost commanded assent…Now that he’s gone, there is an enormous hole in conservative commentary and the nation’s discourse that no one else will fill."— Read the full article in Politico.
"Charles will be remembered as one of the greatest public intellects of his generation. A true renaissance man, there was no topic too complex for Charles to probe; no party or politician too powerful to challenge. It was Charles’ integrity in his prose and thoughtfulness in his commentary that attracted countless loyal readers and viewers, myself included."
— Read the full statement
"More than just a political pundit, Charles Krauthammer has been a true public intellectual of our age. Like the Harvard-educated psychiatrist that he is, Charles seems to know our country and our culture better than we know ourselves. He’s helped not only conservatives, but all Americans, reason together through our biggest questions with eloquence, brilliance, and charity."— Read the full statement
"I was a regular Krauthammer reader before I knew him. I admired him not only because I often agreed with him but also because of his inimitable style and the flow of his logic. There are very few writers — much less doctors — who can write with the artfulness that Charles brought to his column. Nor are there many debaters who could match wits with him."
— Read the full statement
"I can say I’m not sure anyone in my lifetime has ever done that better. It is a key role of the intellectual explicator, which is what Charles was nonpareil—to help you understand what you think. He was the most extraordinary person I have ever known, and I have been blessed to know many."— Read the full article at Commentary
"If liberals are sincere when they say that they wish conservatives were more independent-minded, intellectual and civil…then we need to recognize and mourn for the void that has been ripped into our public discourse by the death of Charles Krauthammer…. Because Krauthammer could alienate both sides with his opinions, he provided that invaluable service to virtually everyone who read enough of his columns to eventually disagree with him."
— Read the full article at Salon
"There was no modern political writer of comparable skill and insight, no one whom you rushed to read on Fridays to see if you had “gotten” what went on in the preceding week or to see what magnificent insight into the cosmos, baseball or chess he had in store for you. There was Charles, and then there was everyone else."— Read the full statement
"I first became aware of Charles’ beautiful mind when I read a commencement address he delivered to McGill University, his undergraduate alma mater. His words had such an impact that I can still recall where I was when I read it, although nearly a quarter century has since elapsed."— Read the full article at
"I don’t know how to describe it to non-baseball fans. But there’s a way of communicating the pleasures of the action unfolding on the field with just a smile and a nod. I’ve only been able to do this in my life with my dearly departed father and a few close friends. And Charles."— Read the full article at Forbes
"Charles possessed not only one of the most incisive minds in American journalism.... His writing reflected an ironclad logic, as though it was part of an elaborate game of chess."— Read the full statement
"Charles Krauthammer, who died Thursday at about 5 p.m. ET, announced his impending departure from this world in the straightforward, clear-eyed, elegant manner that fans had come to expect from him. The loss to America is dwarfed by the loss to his family and friends, but nevertheless it is enormous."— Read the full article at the Wall Street Journal
"As a birthday present he invited me to join him at a Washington Nationals game at which, to my astonishment, the giant scoreboard at one point lit up with 'Happy Birthday, Irwin.' That alone would not have returned me to the ranks of baseball fans. It was Charles’ enormous knowledge of the game, his pleasure in sharing that knowledge with me, and the grace with which he received fans who greeted him, often pressing little notes on policy issues on him, which he passed to me to hold on to until he dropped me off at home after the game." — Read the full article in the Washington Examiner

"Charles retires from public life as one of America’s foremost public intellectuals – a revered and fearsome thinker. He was gracious and charitable with all of his sparring partners, but being on air with Charles always dangerous. You knew he could put you away with a single swat."— Read the full article at Fox News
"The prevalence of bloviating, uncivilized screamers makes Charles’s self-effacing reserve especially refreshing. Slyly irreverent yet respectful and civil, he has a classic education and is literate when those attributes are being devalued. He is an inspiration: We wish we knew what Charles knows."— Read the full article at the Wall Street Journal
"In an age when political commentary is getting shallower and more vituperative, we will especially miss Charles’s style of writing — calm, carefully constructed arguments based on propositions and evidence, tinged with a cutting wit and wry humor but never malice."— Read the full article at the New York Times
"There was a lot to do. Charles did it with consummate skill for the next quarter-century. He now rests with the fathers, and I imagine Abraham is pleased to have his company, much as the rest of us miss him. Especially on Friday mornings."— Read the full article in The Catholic Difference
"He completed medical school, did an internship and, one thing leading to another, as life has a way of doing, became not a jewel in the crown of the medical profession, which he would have been, but one of America’s foremost public intellectuals. Nothing against doctors, but the nation needed Charles more as a diagnostician of our public discontents."
— Read the full article in the Washington Post
"Krauthammer said in that long-ago interview that in the immediate aftermath of his paralysis, he thought, “The terrible thing is that people are going to judge me now by a different standard... I decided if I could make people judge me by the old standard, that would be a triumph, and that’s what I try to do.” Krauthammer did it. And he became a model for other journalists with disabilities, including this one, to attempt the same."
— Read the full article in the Washington Post
"Krauthammer never believed that his professional psychiatric experience was useful in the political world. More pertinent was the sheer range and variety of his interests, inspired early on by the example of his father…. Krauthammer’s direct experience of the Old World gave unusual depth to his historical awareness."— Read the full statement
"Brilliant, passionate, irrepressible….America has lost him just when we need a strong dose of his integrity most."— Read the full statement
"His impact on the not done. His millions of words remain, vast archives made more impressive the life of an author unable to hold his own pen. His art is not only a revolt against his fate, it is a revolt against humanity’s mean fate."— Read the full statement
"Krauthammer pursued something that many in the mainstream media today do not: the truth."— Read the full statement
"Charles understood so much. He leaves a void that will not be filled easily. We miss him greatly, and Fridays have not been the same since he has gone.."— Read the full statement
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